A solid security foundation
What are the steps we are taking?
Identity Access Management
Why is it important?
Your IT-environment is primarily guarded by the digital accounts of your employees. Identity Access Management, loosely translated also known as identity and access management, is the first and therefore immediately the most important layer of protection. Identity and access management ensures that only the right people have access to the right resources at the right time. No more, no different, no longer.
Device Threat Protection
Why is it important?
In an ever-changing digital world, threats are becoming increasingly complex. As devices have direct access to important and sensitive corporate data, the need to deal with them is high. This makes it increasingly important to work from a secure and up-to-date device. Identifying and timely stopping new threats is also at the heart of a good security policy for the devices in your IT environment.
Email Security Awareness
Why is it important?
No matter how firmly you secure your IT-environment, if your employees – unintentionally – open the virtual door, all your efforts will have been for nothing. One thoughtless click on a link in a phishing email and your IT environment is at risk. Because Microsoft 365 Defender for Office 365 and security-awareness is part of our Security-Basics solution, you prevent problems that can arise in this way. The door only opens when you want it to.
Data Recovery Retention
Why is it important?
Increased security threats have made backup more important – and more challenging – than ever. You need to account for unexpected situations where data needs to be restored. Yes, Microsoft 365 provides some options to restore data by default, but a full and accurate backup to protect your Microsoft 365 cloud data certainly isn’t. So making a full and accurate backup is very important. If other defences have failed to prevent a cyber attack, having an untouched backup ensures that your data can be recovered quickly.
How we work together
We always start at the beginning: your employees, the people who want to do their jobs day in, day out, without hassle. We map out how and where they would prefer to work and where they get their data from. Then we get to work, so you can be confident that it’s only your employees who are logging in.
Ensure yourself an IT environment that always works efficiently.
Read more about the Security Basics
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